Reviews of Correspondances from the international press
“This album is a blessing for the diversity of pianistic expression and allows us to listen to an incredibly gifted pianist”
“Dieses album ist ein Segen für die pianistische Ausdrucksvielfalt und lässt ein unglaublich begabten Pianisten hören”
CD des Doppelmonats (selected to be the CD of two months: July and August)
PIANO News Deutschland
"Cristian Sandrin, within an immaterial keyboard, augments the mysteries (...) he remembers the impeccable gesture and the fixed tempo chosen by Dinu Lipatti: his phrasing, without trying to hide it, is inspired by this (Lipatti’s) precisely legendary record. (...) A magical first album from a young man to be followed”
“Cristian Sandrin, dans un clavier immatériel, augmente les mystères (…) il se souvient du geste impeccable et du tempo fixe choisi par Dinu Lipatti : son phrasé, sans chercher à le cacher, s’inspire de ce disque justement légendaire. (…) Magique premier album d’un jeune homme à suivre.”
Le Disque du Jour (The CD of the Day)
“This is now one of my favourite performances of Miroirs (…) Gorgeous music, resplendent sound from the Steinway Model D, perceptive notes. A luscious recital and the highlight this month’s listening”
AMERICAN RECORD GUIDE (Vol. 86 No. 5 September/October 2023)
“Excellent interpretation (…) and a great satisfaction for him to perform [Enescu’s Sonata]”
Primo Movimento
Radio 3 RAI Italy
“Un disque très bien accueilli par la critique européenne”
“An album very well received by the European press”
CD of the Day,
En Piste, France Musique
“Cristian Sandrin draws convincing parallels between the piano music of Enescu, Ravel and Scott. This is a brave new world (…)”
BBC Music Magazine - July 2023
Klassik-Heute Deutschland
“Sandrin succeeds in producing an almost endless variety of quiet timbres which this music needs. Yet, when required, the necessary power of expression is not lacking”
Nieuwe Noten Nederland
“An immaculately played recital”
Music Web International
“Sandrin’s generous sonorities issue forth in marvellous diversity (…) The varieties of touch and timbre required challenge every interpreter, among whom the late Dinu Lipatti stands out as a true Romanian rival”
Fanfare Magazine (Issue 47:2 Nov/Dec 2023)
“Cristian Sandrin draws convincing parallels between the piano music of Enescu, Ravel and Scott. This. is a brave new world (...)
“While listening, one senses how much Sandrin enjoys playing [this program]